Our Dash Of Serving Set is really adorable, yet we are regularly asked what it's used for. The real answer? Whatever you can dream up! To get you started with a few of our ideas...we've styled the set 3 ways:
Sauces to Pass:
When you are entertaining, it's not always the prettiest to put the grocery store bottle of sauce on your table. For sauces you only need a dash of - like these spicy barbeque sauces - this serving set. makes it easy to pass around and share.

Ice Cream Toppings:
Make some cones or just bowls full of ice cream and pass sprinkles and warmed caramel sauce or hot fudge (you may need 2 sets for all the possibilities!).

Salt + Pepper:
This one seems obvious but there are so many infused and seasoned salts these days that you can offer a selection of flavors to compliment any meal.

What other goodies can you think of to put this adorable serving piece to good use?